How will your future flow look like?

All kind of people are constantly fusing physical experiences with digital spaces. Thereby enabling the smooth transition between first, second and third space every single day.
Future Flow
Blending spaces and shifting business
Personal & Private
People have more intimate forms of connecting, this to like-minded in more private digital spaces. Brands humanizing communication with more nuance offer more exclusive digital customer services. This intimacy approach drive sales and customer loyalty.
People are far more productive, far more connected by fusing digital spaces, like webinar and video conferences, with daily physical experiences. Being mobile and connecting anytime, anywhere to anyone, thanks to all kinds of subscriptions, enhances their immersive journey.
How can we service these consumers best for their time spent on the move?
Public Domain
Sustainability as local comeback for visiting, enjoying, appreciating local businesses and culture. Word of mouth and the opinion of people we trust to make buying decisions and to go where those influencer reviews take us. sharing those experiences is caring about your community. How can we be part of this?
Shifting towards the future
Tracks that propel companies toward change in a sustainable way.
Younger generations shift from virtual spaces & digital experiences into the here and now physical experiences, better known with older generations. The shift towards implementing sustainable goals and thus acting upon them comes from the young at heart, not necessarely the wise. The shift is on us all, rattling the cage!
Values based innovation
Re-vive, re-shape your end-user scenario’s capture sustainable values transform those values onto your innovation path
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Business modeling
Transform your business from top-down target driven kpi’s and silo’s towards empowerment & early involvement of all people
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W6 (where – what - why - when – who – how) execute those sustainability directives plan the planning, fill the gaps, market the niche
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Proven way of working.
As seasoned expert and international team lead focussing on the results but always keeping in mind all the different cultural mind-sets, putting creative people before process
Rattle the cage
Shake the tree of your end-user scenario’s and capture sustainable values
Show the dream
Visualize the potentials in your business model with collective visual tools engage, inspire, empower and re-purpose your people
Do the dance
Go-to-market: W6 (where - what - why - when - who – how) make it happen for you
Involved. Always.
To enable a future flow into more sustainable goals and values, the innovate arena needs experts who open doors and enable your story to be told, to be recorded, to be shared, to show your dream. Involve me as senior coach, cocreator, storyteller, moderator
Testimonials & References

As an automotive design studio, we have come to know Marko as an honest and free-thinking strategist for the future, with a special vision of passenger comfort in autonomous driving.

For our joint project we were welcomed by the C-suite, given guided tours of the brains and guts of the company and were able to spar 1 one 1 with their design team. This inspired our collaboration enormously.

As a chief of strategy, he set the bar very high, but also left both teams completely free in their own way. Several brainstorming sessions and interviews later, that method led to an exceptional collection of ideas and concepts. As an entrepreneur and designer I have the highest respect for Marko.

Andreas Kurbos
CEO Studio Kurbos GmbH

I worked very closely with Marko on strategic projects for many years and I could always count on his knowledge and experience in innovation strategy, global marketing communication and sustainable change management.

His stamina to inspire a strong team, to manage challenging times and to drive change makes him a highly valuable leader. He is a passionate advocate for change and new visions and has a wide range of tools available. Shaping the future across various industries with visual workshops, innovation camps or position papers is not just a slogan for him - it is his passion! Everybody can be happy to have Marko on the team

Ralf Hoppe
Head Investor Relations & Public Relations,
Elmos Semiconductor SE

As global lead for ergonomics, usability and design, I have been working with Marko in his strategic role for a few years now. Coming from the corporate level overseeing cross-divisional product strategy and marketing, he quickly promoted that we could achieve much more acting together as a cross-functional team. Marko was always a sensible and smart sparring partner in our research projects.

When he initiated the mgmt board project PURE, he came to my team with the outline of a quite unique design brief, and we collaborated over the course of the project realization. Its results were and are deeply appreciated for their visionary content and refined executed design.

You can turn to Marko for any open-innovation cross-industry challenge on sustainable innovation!

Dr. Susanne Frohriep
Global Lead Ergonomics, Design and Usability,
Grammer AG
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